Very interesting, however how do I achieve the high temperatures and high pressures to produce diamonds from CO2? Probably by producing new CO2. And probably, but I'm not sure about this, the carbon included in a diamond is at the end less than the carbon released to produce it.

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Great point. It's something I should've elaborated on when I talked about Aether. They use the CVD method which requires carbon-rich gas + high temperatures. According to their website, the carbon-rich gas comes from the captured CO2, and the high temperatures are achieved using "100% clean energy". If the process produces additional CO2, they can capture it and reuse it again (but they didn't mention this part on their website and I couldn't find another source to verify this).

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Great post Fawzi. Thanks for challenging me again and again. I find myself being underwhelmed with the anti-CO2 movement. Maybe if we were pure in all our ways I could get interested in CO2 as somehow harmful. But since we spew a tremendous amount of life threatening chemicals into our water and air and soil, and these cause very real health concerns for all living things (people alive now), I fail to see why we obsess about CO2. Wish we could make diamonds out of toxic soup.

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A very interesting read.

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